Image Nantes en commun

we have been working to find the means to act on our city and our daily life. Surveys, collective mobilizations, creation of commons…. : we imagine and build another city and another world.

Image Coalizione Civica Padova

“Coalizione Civica per Padova” was born in the autumn of 2016, shortly before the fall of the right-wing government led by Massimo Bitonci, through a call to the city. The call invited all the political opposition forces to start a single path towards the administrative elections. The call aimed to be able to go beyond individual identities, intercepting social energies that were fragmented at the time. A new way of doing politics had to be found.

Bauladu Sèberat is a local political association, green and secular, not affiliated with any political party, formed by individual citizens. Bauladu Sèberat repudiates all forms of racism and fascism, as well as all types of discrimination and inequality. Bauladu Sèberat promote the Sardinian people right to self-determination and 7/11 of its members supports the creation of a democratic, pluralist and inclusive Republic of Sardinia, following a nonviolent self-determination path.

Image Comú de Lleida

Comú de Lleida is a confluence of people organized for interveniening in municipal politics in the city of Lleida, through electoral representation, under the basic principles of common good, participation and transparency. Born in as a citizen initative for creating a confluence of people from diferent political parties and mobilized citizens, that would romote citizen participation in the city’s politics. beyond ideological labels to promote a transformation of the municipal government, defending shared goals that would improve the city’s administration and management of common affairs, for the common good of the people of Lleida.

MÉS-Estimam Palma is a grassroots organisation with the common goal of working to build more livable, more creative neighborhoods and towns , more inclusive and more democratic, and inspired by the values ​​of the left, sovereignty, environmentalism and feminism.

Image Ganemos Palencia

Ganemos Palencia is a citizen platform formed by social organizations and individuals with an electoral purpose. We operate on a local scale, we are assembly-based and open to all citizen participation. We are in connection with other actors, social, environmental, cultural organizations, etc. whose issues nourish our municipal agenda, creating networks as much as possible.

Image Barcelona en Comú

Citizen’s municipalist platform with a collective project to transform Barcelona. Launched in Barcelona in June 2014
by activists from a range of social movements.

Image Poitiers Collectif

A collective project shaped for more than a year by groups of residents, who came together to build a vision for their city, their territory on a daily basis. A project that meets the ecological, social and democratic challenges.

Grenoble en commun est un rassemblement de mouvements politiques et associatifs et d’élu-es rassemblés autour des valeurs traduites dans le programme municipal.

Image Andria Bene in Comune

Civic platform formed by social organisations and individual electors, as a result of a civic activism experience starting in 2018, operates autonomously at local level