European Municipalist Network

A space to strengthen the emerging municipalist ecosystem in Europe and its capacity for social and political advocacy.

Municipalism Virtual Experience

Choose your exploration path between Citizen Participation & the Municipalist Wave:

  • Discuss at the Assembly (Social movements and participatory democracy track )

  • Go to the Institutions (Municipalist wave and public policies track )


The “EMN Municipalism Virtual Experience” is a tool for those interested in local transformations, but overwhelmed by the huge amount of information already available online. We have created certain paths, according to your interests, where you can follow certain recommendations selected by a group of activists, scholars and public policy experts. This will help you to decide what is worth spending your time on. What you will find here is not “everything” or “the best”, but rather “different paths designed to offer you essential information, organised in different topics and context, always having in mind the different interests of the diverse actors involved in local political transformations.”

Feministisation of Politics

The Feministisation of Politics collective (FoP) is an alliance of municipalist non-male persons focusing on feministisating of political processes


A collaborative cartography of the municipalist ecosystem to identify common grounds and generate collaborations.

Municipalist School

The School is a space designed by and for municipalist experiences through training and knowledge excahnge sessions. The first four will take place online in May-June 2021

On Focus