Image Ne davimo Beograd

Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own (Ne da(vi)mo Beograd) is a local political movement that is gathering large numbers of people interested in improving the living and working conditions of all our citizens; improving, conserving, and lawfully using common and natural resources, building democratic institutions, sustainable urban development, urban and cultural policies and incorporating citizens into the development of their environment. The movement grew out of a series of mass protests against the theft of the Sava Amphitheater and the phantom demolition of buildings on Hercegovacka Street for the purposes of the Belgrade Waterfront project.

We are a relatively new organisation in existence but as an informal group, we took part in the idea of promoting the boycott of the 2020 elections in Serbia. Our current preoccupation is a very specific field, i.e. the issue of air pollution. Our way of influence is our actions by which we are calling the local authorities to fulfill their responsibilities. We are also making public pressure via media and social networks.