Amel brings together politically and socially engaged citizens, who by municipalist inspiration invite the experimentation of new democratic practices, in order to get people to think about another model of society, more democratic, human and ecological. They promote the active participation of all citizens in the life of the city.

Shared governance and the environment are the fundamentals of the new municipal team. All subjects, from the day-to-day management of the municipality to future projects, are addressed along these two lines.

Image Nantes en commun

we have been working to find the means to act on our city and our daily life. Surveys, collective mobilizations, creation of commons…. : we imagine and build another city and another world.

Image Saint Médard en Jalles DEMAIN

Its mision is to give the inhabitants of Saint Médard en Jalles the desire and the opportunity to be actors for a common future that responds to environmental and social emergencies: to be a source of proposals and concrete and autonomous actions, to be informed, to follow, to support and to get involved in citizen participation actions in and beyond Saint Médard en Jalles, to promote collective intelligence tools for direct democracy, and to ensure that the commitments made by the elected representatives are respected.

Image Atelier Populaire Urbanisme

The Atelier Populaire d’Urbanisme was created in December 2012 by residents of the emblematic Villeneuve housing estate in Grenoble, which had long been considered “an urban and social model”. It is part of the continuity of an experimentation of community organizing methods carried out in a process of contesting the urban renewal project and of co-elaborating an alternative strategic and democratic project.

Image Brest La Liste Citoyenne (B2LC)

We are a group of residents who have decided to run for municipal elections next March, without a thematic program or political party, all with a view to regenerating local democracy well beyond partisan divisions .

Image Poitiers Collectif

A collective project shaped for more than a year by groups of residents, who came together to build a vision for their city, their territory on a daily basis. A project that meets the ecological, social and democratic challenges.

Grenoble en commun est un rassemblement de mouvements politiques et associatifs et d’élu-es rassemblés autour des valeurs traduites dans le programme municipal.