Individual and collective self assessment: reflection as a tool for the feminisation of politics
An audio presentation by
Angela Maria Osorio (l’Asilo Filangeri) & Marco Sallusto (Rete Nazionale Beni Comuni Emergenti e ad Uso Civico).
When the Fop Project started to run, we needed a common ground, so we decided to analyse the situation of the feminist practices in organisations from different contents. It was a wonderful moment to interrogate collectively and question the organisations’ policies concerning the Feministisation of Politics and confront the individual subjectivities with the more collective narrations.
In this chapter of Module 1, we find the conclusions of the self-assessment on feminisation with the example of the cultural centre l’Asilo, in Naples, Italy. With the voices of Marco Sallusto: “For me, as a man, it means rebuilding my identity”, and Angela Maria Osorio: “FoP It’s a toolkit, a process and a community of practise. It enables us to recognise bad practices and fight them”.
Outcomes and Impacts
An audio presentation by
Laura Roth (Minim) & Natalija Simovic (Ne(da)vimo Beograd).
Thinking about feminization as a way of sharing power. Understanding how this concept influences other broader concepts such as democracy, leadership, or the care we find in our organizations and collectives. “This is not just a question of gender and class, but of multidimensional privilege and understanding power as something to compete for,” says Laura Roth, a municipal activist and researcher from Minim.
In this podcast of the first module of the MOOC on Feministisation of Politics we also hear the experience of Natalija Simovic, from the municipalist political movement Ne(da)vimo Beograd (Serbia) and how FoP project has influenced her political organisation. Also, we will learn more about the current municipalist situation in Belgrade: “Although we have grown up under the influence of feministisation principles we are far from perfection and we have to invest a lot of efforts in observing our behaviors and practices in order to be faithful to the principles”.
Building a feminist organisation
An audio presentation by
Helena García (Barcelona en Comú).
“What’s the gap between theory and the practice?”. This was one of the questions asked by the gender group within the political organization Barcelona En Comú to establish a diagnosis on the feministisation of the organisation. An important issue to develop a gender diagnosis is to have resources and budget to be able to do it properly.
Helena García is an activist and takes part in this group. She explains in this podcast some tips about the power associated with masculinity, the tasks of care, leadership and, in short, the way to build a feminist organisation and persevere in these ideals taking into account issues such as the number of women and men but also on the dynamics of participation like the tone with which you share your opinions or how you use your speaking time. “The main leader of our organisation was a woman, and it was positively valued”.